January 21, 2024


Surrounding oneself with people who inspire, challenge, and motivate us to grow is especially important in living a CENTERPOINT life. Great people in God’s eyes in the Bible, like Moses, David, and Paul, didn’t become great on their own. They had mentors, friends, and companions who influenced their lives significantly. Likewise, we should intentionally seek out and spend time with faithful people, learning from their wisdom and experiences in the Lord. Let us seek to form relationships with Church mentors who can guide us, accountability partners who can keep us on track, and friends and brethren who can support and encourage us toward a more Christ-centered life. Let us be aware of the potential negative influences in life and dare to distance ourselves from those who might pull us away from our spiritual goals. Pursuing great people is not about using people for personal gain, but about forming genuine, mutually beneficial relationships that help everyone involved to grow in faith in the Lord. Who we surround ourselves with can significantly affect our growth and we should be intentional about seeking relationships that will help us become great and honorable in God’s eyes.

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